Friday, February 27, 2009

continuing on.....

He laid emeralds in her eyes,
But Id already tried a bracelet made of gold
And a scarlet thread around her wrist.
Everything was wrong so we sang sentimental songs.
Oh how seldom we belong but how elegant our kiss.
We painted crooked lines
But danced in perfect time to a love so much refined,
We know not what it is until like a dullen wine we pour into a grief know before
But never quite like this.
All I know now is regret,
It follows like a silhouette along the cobblestone behind us,
But has nothing to say except to innocently ask,
Its voice delicate as glass,
Do you see me when we pass?
But I continue on my way.

-John Donne

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I have no life

My name is John Nathaniel Carrington III, I hope someday to marry a beautiful girl, a beautiful girl who's family has a history of twins, I then hope that we have twins and I can name then John Nathaniel Carrington IV and John Nathaniel Carrington V and just knock out a generation.....

I have been working like crazy this week, but I am being really productive.....and I get next week off, yay

Next week am going to try and do something pretty uncharacteristic of myself, I hope I dont look like a fool, prayers would be nice

I cant wait to have a nice clean house, its going to be fun, even if it only lasts a day or so

I like school, but I dont like going to school

I feel as though God is doing great things, I am excited to be apart of these things

I love you all, Peace be with you.

My name is John, You know me?

Monday, February 16, 2009

A Long Day....

"Murder is no better than cards, if cards can do the trick." - C.S. Lewis

Oh know me....

First Post

I guess I am one of the cool kids now.....I have a blog